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Duke Data Service Portal

*** This Project is no longer being maintained ***

This is a UI web portal built for use with the Duke Data Service API. It is based on webpack. The internal data flow is handled with MobX and routing is managed with React-Router. The UI is handled by material-ui and a layout grid from Google Material Design Lite.

Get the portal

$ git clone 


Install all dependencies.

$ npm install


Builds the application and starts a webserver with webpack. By default the webserver starts at port 1337. You can define a port in package.json: scripts > start.

$ npm start


Builds a minified version of the application for production in the build folder.

$ npm run build


We use jest to test our application.
You can run the tests that are defined under app/scripts/__tests__ with

$ npm test

In order to test files that are using the react-router we had to add stubRouterContext.jsx which we found here.

Duke Data Service

The portal interfaces with the [Duke Data Service API](https://github .com/Duke-Translational-Bioinformatics/duke-data-service/tree/master). The API blueprint for Duke Data Service can be found on this API documentation page.


Javascript entry file: src/scripts/index.js


We are using MobX to manage application state. Mobx makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). If you want to read more about MobX, check out the readme of the MobX git repo or the MobX API documentation.


The routing is done with the react-router. It's especially great for SPA's. We would recommend to read the guide to get an overview of the router features.

ES6 with babel

We are working with the webpack babel loader in order to load our .js/.jsx files. Babel allows you to use ES6 features like class, arrow functions and much more.


CSS entry file: src/styles/index.css

Webpack Hints

You can find the webpack configuration in the webpack.config.js file. We use the babel-loader in order to load .jsx and .js files via webpack. If it's possible install all your dependencies with NPM. Packages installed with NPM can be used as es6 modules or via require:

import moduleXYZ from 'moduleXYZ';


var moduleXYZ = require('moduleXYZ');

You can find all loaders in this list.


  • node
  • npm