Including classical image processing and deep learning based methods
1 The directories with a name prefix g_
show the global data.
- Each of the other directories represents one LSD method.
2 The related papers are in the g_papers
- The file with a name prefix
implies that DL-based method has been implemented.
1-1 CannyLines 2015 (source code: C/C++)
- Model 1: parameter free
- Model 2: CannyLines v3
1-2 LSM 2016 (source code: C/C++ & Matlab)
2 MCMLSD 2017 [CVPR] (source code: C/C++ & Matlab)
- Source code: PyTorch
Comparison of the LSD methods (metric: sAP10):
1 L-CNN: End-to-End Wireframe Parsing ICCV2019
- github repo
- The previous state-of-the-art method
- Introduced metrics:
- Structural mAP
- Junction mAP
2 HAWP: Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing CVPR 2020
3 HT-HAWP: Deep Hough-Transform Line Priors ECCV 2020
4 F-Clip: Fully Convolutional Line Parsing 2021.04
Plus: LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges CVPR 2021
- github repo
- Stage 1: 40M parameters
- Stage 2: by using 24G GPU