Prerequisites : Before take a deep dive into the project, ensure that you'd installed all requirements packages by this command : If you have CUDA kernel acceleration, install Pytorch with CUDA
I recommend the version of Pytorch and CUDA is 1.13 and 11.6, check the Pytorch Homepage for more details !
After that , run this command to install dependecies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- There are two type of model wrapper architecture : SegTransVAE and MONAI wrapper model
For SegTransVAE training , move the work directory to .... and run this command :
python/python3 train.py
For MONAI wrapper model training , move the work directory to .... and run this command :
python/python3 train.py --model_type ... --batch_size ... --epochs ... --volume ... --test_size ...
Where the model_type can be : UNet, Segresnet, SWINUNETR, UNETR and so on. You can modify the code for more choice of model type