Phantom DBM is an open source database manager created to make it easier to manage database scripts and the process of how data is uploaded to a database. It's a program that allows the user to manage and keep track what is uploaded into their database as well as keep record of who is storing this data*. It also makes it possible to automate where the data come from without having to specify this information whenever you wish to upload data such as: data from other collection or database, information from the internet (web scraping)*, or user entered formulas.
Currently Phantom only supports MongoDB but plans to support more NoSQL databases ( and maybe sql) in the future.
Development of the program has finished and is currently being beta tested.
- to be implemented
Look how easy it is to use:
import project
# Get your stuff done
- Be awesome
- Make things faster
Install project by running:
install project
To start program run the file:
$ chmod 770
$ ./
$ python3
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at: [email protected]
The project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license.