Perception tasks needed for robots to disassemble laptops. It has Deep learning models based on Yolov5 and ssd trained on laptop components dataset that we collected.
Also It has image processing pipelines for planning cutting operations to detach components.
Python >= 3
OpenCV >= 4
ros melodic
Step 1: Download Repoistory to your catkin workspace and build it.
$ cd your_catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd .. && catkin build perception
Step 2: Create 'models' folder.
$ cd your_catkin_ws/src/perception && mkdir models && cd models
Step 3: Download model from here to 'models' folder.
To run any of the scripts, simply rosrun it.
$ rosrun perception
Used for Robothon Grand challenge (Our Team RAND-E ranked 3rd World Wide):
Also Used for Autonomous Semi-Destructive Disassembly of Laptops:
If useful to you, please cite our paper:
@INPROCEEDINGS{9447637, author={Bassiouny, Abdelrhman M. and Farhan, Abdelrahman S. and Maged, Shady A. and Awaad, Mohammed I.},
booktitle={2021 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC)},
title={Comparison of Different Computer Vision Approaches for E-waste Components Detection to Automate E-waste Disassembly},
year={2021}, pages={17-23}, doi={10.1109/MIUCC52538.2021.9447637}}