This is a proof of concept of remote video processing using OpenCV and a MJPG-WebCam streaming in pyhton. The goal of this code is to delegate heavy CV processing of the video recorded by a SoC (System on a Chip) in a remote, more powerful host.
Included sources:
- server: MJPG Streaming server, based on Miguel Grinberg, Log0 and Peter Guan work.
- client: Simple remote streaming viewer, based on several Zaw Lin's contributions to online discussion forums (
- remote_processing_client: an adaptation of the Optical Flow algorithm developed by Simon D. Levy (, where a MJPG remote stream is used instead of a local web camera.
How to use:
In a machine with a WebCam (in my case, an Intel Edison board):
- Enter the right ip-address in last lines of file.
- Execute the server (python
In a remote machine (in my case, a laptop):
- Modify the simple client or the 'processing' client by updating the URL of the video stream URL (using the IP address of the machine with the WebCam): stream=urllib.urlopen('http://@')
- Execute the client.