This is the code from youtube ROS Tutorial 4 Series.
This is not my own work. This is the code written by following the tutorial from
Five C++ files. This tutorial demonstrates how to develop a simple cleaning application with turtlesim. It consists in making a coverage a full area like robot cleaners.
1.robot_cleaner_move_rotate.cpp for the tutorial
2.robot_cleaner_abs_orientation.cpp for the tutorial
3.robot_cleaner_move_to_goal.cpp for the tutorial
4.robot_cleaner_grid_clean.cpp and 5.robot_cleaner_spiral_clean.cpp for the tutorial
Create a package by
cd catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg turtlesim_cleaner
cd catkin_ws
Now, go to
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner
mkdir src
Go to this diectory in File Explorer and create a new file named robot_cleaner.cpp Copy the code of the tutorial you want from the repository and paste it in the robot_cleaner.cpp Replace your CMakeList.txt and package.xml file with the files in the repo.
To run the Demo:
roscore //ROS Master
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node //turtlesim
rosrun turtlseim_cleaner robot_cleaner_node