Bug that is present in beta
Where the data or feature exists, but doesn't work properly
Import related problems, where an import fails, or flags the issue
Data issue, numbers are wrong, almost always coriolis-data related
UI Related issues, layout, not data, or function
Bug that needs to be fixed in EDCD/coriolis-data
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Duplicate of another issue
An enhancement to the app
Fix has been deployed to the live site
Issues that are 'fixed' and have been deployed to beta.coriolis.io
Issues that are 'fixed' in develop branch, but may or may not yet be in the beta deployment
Relates to features of the game that are not reflected by coriolis
It is believed this may be resolved when React is upgraded
This issue or pr is currently under review
This bug applies to the ed-forge branch
Translation related issues
Marks PRs that are not finished or issues that have fixes under review