All documentation files shall be written using the MarkDown format.
See: http://help.github.com/articles/working-with-advanced-formatting/
Office format files are not allowed in the repositories, but eventually they have to be converted to PDF.
PDF files or link to EMICVL official site documents.
For more specific IT related documents, see this repository WIKI.
Since October 18 2017 the integration requirements stored in this repository are valid and approved by EU partners.
- HTML5 Introduction
- CSS Tutorial
- JavaScript: ECMAScript Tutorial
- WebGL Getting started
- C sharp Tutorial
- COLLADA : the open file format for 3D object
- MP4 : for video podcast and 3D demo videos
- XML : for user interaction flow charts made with the 2D Diagram Editor
- PNG : for the user interaction flow charts preview
Please, to save the diagram go to File/Save to local device and upload the resulting XML file to your Team Github repository. Also you can export the PNG graphic version to have it printed or visualized
- Git -Book: Learn versioning control of digital assets
- OpenSim: A shared metaverse were to build collaboratively virtual laboratories
- Unity3D: A game engine to develop commercial virtual laboratories
- Design Check List
- Extensions and metric of virtual rooms and avatars
a ReadMe.md file which shall include:
- a prosaic sintetic description of the Team Repository
- an full hierchical index to its content to folders and subfolders with short descriptions
a Scenario.md file describing the scenario to be implemented by the Team, including:
- a general description of the scenario
- a list and reference to all used 3D objects
- a student interaction flow chart with error recovering paths in PNG format, linked to its XML source
- embedded videos showing each major student interaction in virtual reality made out of a Unity game screencast
- a reference to the Unity assets in the Unity store
- a reference to the compiled and downloadable Windows Unity game (.exe)
- (optional) a reference to the compiled and downloadable Android Unity app (.apk)
a folder with all used 3D objects in COLLADA format, only those developed originally by the local team.
a folder with XML and PNG user interaction flow chart, made with draw.io online editor
a folder with demo videos, links to other storage/cloud services or youtube videos.
a link to the Unity Store Repository made by the team
a folder with the compiled games in Windows .exe and Android .apk formats
Please follow instructions to publish to the Unity Store for free.