Example Widget to test Feature Table in CMV
Used ESRI Example https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/3/jssamples/featuretable_formatting.html This is just example widget to test the functionlity of ESRI Feature Table in CMV.
CMV Config Settings
featureTable: {
include: true,
id: 'featureTable',
type: 'titlePane', //titlePane, invisible
canFloat: true,
title: 'Feature Table',
path: 'widgets/FeatureTable',
position: 35,
open: false,
options: {
map: true,
Put the wiget code to folder \widgets
This widget utilizes @tmcgee attributesTabContainer as the place holder, then applies dojo topic to add/remove the Feature Table tab to the attributesTabContainer.
Have to add this line to format the dgrid in te feature table, othewise it will not use entire pane width
domStyle.set("myTableNode_grid", "width", "100%");