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User contributed widgets for the Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) project.

Have a widget to add? See Contributing.


Widget Description
Add WMS Layers dynamically A double widget for adding WMS Layers using a combobox or a textbox.
Advanced Search Widget Used together with Attributes Tables widget to query feature layers. With this widget you can: by attributes 2. search by location 3. search by address 4. search by other selected features.
App Settings Allows the user to save and share the current state of the map extent and visible layers via localStorage and URL.
Attributes Tables A highly configurable widget to display the results of one or more QueryTasks.
Disclaimer A simple yet configurable disclaimer widget.
Drag and Drop Add data to the map viewer by dragging and dropping resources onto the map or widget.
Dynamic Feature Layer Renderer It renders and adds a feature layer on the map dynamically. It can be used for map services hosted in ArcGIS for Server version 10.1 or above.
Export Export features from the Attributes Tables widget or other widgets that have a dgrid.
Extract TitlePane widget to extract selected layer from current extents using geoprocessing tool (clip and ship).
Goto Coordinate Center the map at a specific location in geographic, UTM, or MGRS coordinates.
Identify Panel TitlePane widget to allow identify results to be viewed on the side instead of in a popup/infowindow.
Google Analytics Sends Google Analytics events based on configurable parameters.
Layer Swapper Title pane widget to allow swapping in/out a configurable list of dynamic or tile layers.
Navigation Hash Display the map center point in the url and use the browser back/forward buttons as previous/next extent buttons.
Navigation Toolbar A toolbar for simple map navigation including previous and next extent tracker.
Nearby Discover features within a radius or drivetime of a map click location.
Print Plus An updated version of the PrintPlus widget originally created by @LarryStout.
Projections TitlePane widget for showing coordinates in selected projections, and for showing a specified location.
Related Records Queries related records of feature layers and displays results in a tabbed dgrid tables.
Search Used in conjunction with the Attributes Tables widget to provide a user interface for querying feature layers, tables and related records.
Zoom To Feature A simple widget to provide a drop-down list of features to zoom to on the map. Similar to bookmarks but driven by actual data in a Map Service.


Create a repo for your widget. To list your widget here, simply add a row to the above widgets table with a link to your repo and description via a Pull Request.

Please follow these guidelines:

  1. In your repo include a with:
  2. an example configuration object.
  3. additional documentation as needed.
  4. include the CMV version the widget built with.
  5. Make sure to include a screenshot in your of your widget in action.
  6. Make sure your code is lint free. Use the included .jshintrc file for linting.


User contributed widgets for CMV







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