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Beta release of v2

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@ES-Alexander ES-Alexander released this 30 Mar 08:08
· 52 commits to master since this release

WARNING: This release is not backwards-compatible due to modifications of pre-existing referencing commands.

Introducing a modified referencing system and simplified basic table functionality.


Sections, figures, code, and tables are now auto-labelled, and are referenced by their names/caption names using specific referencing commands.

Normal Referencing

\tabref{Table Name} --> Table N
\figref{Figure Name} --> Figure N
\figref[s]{Subfigure Caption} --> Figure a)
\secref{Section Name} --> Section N
\secref[s]{Subsection Name} --> Section N.M
\secref[ss]{Subsubsection Name} --> Section N.M.L
\coderef{Listing Caption} --> Listing N
\appref{Appendix Name} --> Appendix A
\appref[s]{Appendix Subsection} --> Appendix A.B
\appref[ss]{Appendix Subsubsection} --> Appendix A.B.C

Just The Number

\reftab{Table Name} --> N
\reffig{Figure Caption} --> N
\reffig[s]{Subfigure Caption} --> a)
\refsec{Section Name} --> N
\refsec[s]{Subsection Name} --> N.M
\refsec[ss]{Subsubsection Name} --> N.M.L
\refcode{Listing Caption} --> N
\refapp{Appendix Name} --> A
\refapp[s]{Appendix Subsection} --> A.B
\refapp[ss]{Appendix Subsubsection} --> A.B.C


To achieve automatic labelling of sections and appendices, append an 'l' to the standard section commands, and an 'al' for appendix sections (e.g. \sectionl{Section Name} instead of \section{Section Name}, and \subsectional{Appendix Subsection} instead of \subsection{Appendix Subsection}).

Easier Basic Tables

The following commands have been added for simplification purposes
\easytable{Table Name}{Column Styles}{Contents}
\row --> \\ \hline
\headingrow --> \hline\rowcolor{tableHeadColour}

\easytable{My Table}{|c|p{0.25\linewidth}|}{
\headingrow \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \row
\textbf{Side Heading} & data 1 \row
\textbf{Side Heading 2} & data 2 \row