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Tools for working with Twin-Otter data


Useful Scripts

$> python -m twinotter.generate_summary <data_directory>

To plot a flight track with altitude:

$> python -m twinotter.plots.basic_flight_track <flight_data_path>

Interactive flight track with leg labelling:

$> python -m twinotter.plots.interactive_flight_track <flight_data_path>


$> git clone
$> cd twin-otter
$> pip install .

If you are going to modify the code, replace the last line with

$> pip install -e .

Note that installing this package may initially fail due to some issues with cartopy.

You can:

install cartopy first via conda

$> conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

or manually install the cartopy dependencies (Following this stack overflow answer)

$> apt-get install libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin
$> apt-get install libgeos-dev
$> pip install cython
$> pip install cartopy


To run tests (which reside in tests/) use pytest:

$> pytest

Tests are automatically run on all commits pushed to github