tools for using wikidata for cybersecurity
wd_search_cyber(string, required_types=[], limit=10) searches for up to 10 cyber-relevant entities whose label or alias matches string and has at least one type in required_types, if provided. Candidates found are filtered by their immediate and inherited types to require that they have at least one cybersecurity-relevant type (e.g., malware) and no types from a blacklist (e.g., musical artist).
The return value is a list, roughly ordered from best to worst match. For example, searching for 'wannacry' produces two hits:
[{ 'concepturi':'',
'description':'ransomware cyberattack',
'label':'WannaCry ransomware attack',
'match':{ 'language':'en', 'text':'WannaCry ransomware attack', 'type':'label'},
{ 'concepturi':'',
'match':{'language':'en', 'text':'WannaCry', 'type':'label'},
'types':[('Q14001','malware'), ('Q7397','software')]}]
You can call this from the command line for experimentation, e.g. usage:
- python3 `
- python3 Adobe
It requires SPARQLWrapper, pywikibot and pprint