This repository stores my solutions to labs in MIT 6.S081 Operating System Engineering 2023.
By now I have successfully scored full marks for all the labs and you may refer to different branches for specific implementations.
In summary, I have augmented the Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system by adding numerous features as below. You may refer to 6.S081 Home Page for detailed instructions of each lab.
Lab Utilities
at branchutil
- user-level
program to sleep for specified ticks - user-level
program to achieve inter-process communication - user-level
prime sieve
program withpipes
- simple version of UNIX
program - simple version of UNIX
- user-level
Lab System Call
at branchsyscall
- add a system-call tracing feature via new
system call - add a system-info collection feature via new
system call
- add a system-call tracing feature via new
Lab Page Tables
at branchpgtbl
- add read-only page to eliminate need for context switch during
system call - add function to print a page table
- add system call
to report which pages have been accessed (read or write)
- add read-only page to eliminate need for context switch during
Lab Traps
at branchtrap
- add
to trace stack-frame pointers to return to in the caller stack - add a system call
to periodically run specified function after specified ticks
- add
Lab Copy-on-Write Fork
at branchcow
- implement copy-on-write fork
Lab Multithreading
at branchthread
- implement context switch for threads
- fix
program with mutex - achieve correct barrier behaviour
Lab Networking
at branchnet
- implement transmit and receive function on provided E1000 network driver
Lab Locks
at branchlock
- implement per-CPU freelist (each with locks) and stealing mechanism to reduce kmem lock contention
- modify buffer cache with hash-table search and lock for each bucket to reduce bcache lock contention
Lab File System
at branchfs
- add double-indirect block in inode to support big files
- add
system call to create a soft link
Lab Memory Mapping
at branchmmap
- implement
to allow detailed control over address spaces via memory mapping
- implement