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albop edited this page Apr 2, 2013 · 2 revisions

This page lists some places to learn enough of programming to use dolo efficiently.

Interactive tutorials
  • code academy : excellent python tutorial
  • : easy step by step tutorial
  • pythontutor : interactive code evaluation (mainly to understand pass by reference semantics)
Programing in general:
  • software carpentry: targets researchers who program all the time without the basics. There are python and git tutorials.
  • diveintopython: free historical book
  • "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python" : basics of python with a focus on scientific libraries
Computational economics
  • Jon Stachurski has excellent teaching material online : . It covers a lot of programming concepts.
  • Miranda & Fackler book : some excellent chapters, mostly those explaining numerical concepts (interpolation, solution).
To install dolo you need to download
  • anaconda python distribution
  • github for windows (or and git client)
  • a text editor: notepadd++ for instance