Usually FLIP animations are achieved in react by hooking into lifecycle methods. Unfortunately this is not possible in elm.
Instead this library renders two versions of the visible content, the source of truth invisible version of the state
(with visibility:hidden
set) and the animated version which is position:absolute
on top of the invisible space left.
Although I would have loved to make this a pure elm library I could not find a way of achieving this effect without using a port to get the position of th elements to be animated. Sorry, PRs are welcome! :)
Create ports.
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
port getBoundingClientRects : Encode.Value -> Cmd msg
port gotBoundingClientRects : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
app.ports.getBoundingClientRects.subscribe((ids) => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => app.ports.gotBoundingClientRects.send(
ids.reduce((acc, id) => {
const el = document.querySelector(`[data-elm-flip-id="${id}"]`);
if (el) {
id, rectangle: {
left: el.offsetLeft,
top: el.offsetTop,
height: el.offsetHeight,
width: el.offsetWidth
return acc;
}, [])
Configure model.
type alias Model =
{ flip : Flip.State
, children : List FlipItem
Configure flip.
type Msg
= UpdateFlip Flip.State (Cmd Msg)
| AnimateFlip String Animation.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateFlip flip flipCmd ->
( { model | flip = flip }
, flipCmd
AnimateFlip id subMsg ->
( { model | flip = Flip.animate subMsg id model.flip }
, Cmd.none
Init flip.
type alias FlipItem =
{ id : String
, label : String
, icon : String
flipConfig : Flip.Configuration FlipItem Msg
flipConfig =
{ id = .id
, updateMsg = UpdateFlip
, animateMsg = AnimateFlip
, getBoundingClientRects = getBoundingClientRects
, gotBoundingClientRects = gotBoundingClientRects
, spring =
{ stiffness = 210
, damping = 20
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
flipItems =
[ { id = "1", label = "Get rid of all of the spiders", icon = "fa-spider" }
, { id = "2", label = "Learn to write Haskell", icon = "fa-language" }
, { id = "3", label = "Water the plants", icon = "fa-seedling" }
, { id = "4", label = "Eat a cookie ", icon = "fa-cookie" }
, { id = "5", label = "I can't see anything", icon = "fa-low-vision" }
, { id = "6", label = "I love to eat Nandos", icon = "fa-grin-hearts" }
, { id = "7", label = "Front page of the internet", icon = "fa-globe" }
( flip, flipCmd ) =
Flip.init flipConfig flipItems
( { flip = flip
, children = flipItems
, flipCmd
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Flip.subscriptions flipConfig model.flip model.children
{ config = flipConfig
, children = model.children
, state = model.flip
, childElement = always div
, childAttrs = always []
, childContents = (\child -> [ text child.label ])
For for some reason currently with 0.19.0 version of elm there is an error whilst using this library when not using the --optimize flag. Sorry about that. Hopefully this will be fixed soon in elm core.