AmiiboHub Search for release dates, images and other info on your favorite Nintendo characters. Amiibo's are not only collectible figurines but they are also highly functional, having the ability to unlock features that enhance your gameplay.
- Homepage
- Amiibo Page
- Amiibo Hub Mobile
- Sample Data from console
AmiiboHub Will allow users to search and retrieve data on their favorite Nintendo characters. They'll have the ability to search by character or search by game series.
- Search for Amiibo via character name.
- Search for Amiibo via game series.
- Access to images and other links for more info.
Use the Data Section to define the API(s) you will be consuming for your project, inluding sample URL queries.
API | Quality Docs? | Documentation | Sample Query |
AmiiboAPI | yes | | |
Sample Query Results:
"amiibo": [
"amiiboSeries": "Super Smash Bros.",
"character": "Mario",
"gameSeries": "Super Mario",
"head": "00000000",
"image": "",
"name": "Mario",
"release": {
"au": "2014-11-29",
"eu": "2014-11-28",
"jp": "2014-12-06",
"na": "2014-11-21"
"tail": "00000002",
"type": "Figure"
"amiiboSeries": "Super Mario Bros.",
"character": "Mario",
"gameSeries": "Super Mario",
"head": "00000000",
"image": "",
"name": "Mario",
"release": {
"au": "2015-03-21",
"eu": "2015-03-20",
"jp": "2015-03-12",
"na": "2015-03-20"
"tail": "00340102",
"type": "Figure"
Library | Description |
React | Access to components to display features. |
React Router | Smooth transitions to Amiibo info pages. |
|__ Img/
|__ mario.jpg
|__ Components/
|__ AmiiboData.jsx
|__ Explore.jsx
|__ GetAmiibo.jsx
|__ Movie.jsx
|__ Navbar.jsx
|__ Tunes.jsx
Component | Type | state | props | hooks | Description |
AmiiboData | class | n | y | n | Subcomponent that holds results from GetAmiibo. |
Explore | functional | n | n | n | Links to Nintendo's full aray of games and characters for more exploration. |
GetAmiibo | class | y | n | n | API call and distribution of data. |
Movie | functional | n | n | n | Holds embedded YouTube Amiibo trailer. |
Navbar | functional | n | n | n | Important links. |
Tunes | functional | n | n | n | Holds embedded Spotify. |
Task | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
App | H | 24 hrs | 48 hrs | 48 |
Nav & Footer | L | 3 hrs | 1 hrs | 1 |
API | H | 24 hrs | 12 hrs | 12 |
CSS | H | 12 hrs | 10 hrs | 10 |
TOTAL | 63 hrs | 71 hrs | 71 hrs |
- Gallery of nintendo characters.
- Information on funtionality of Amiibo's.
The Project Delivery section should be completed as your work on your project.
Use of a Subcomponent I set up a subcomponent where my API was being called. I wanted to be able to send the data to another component so that it would be eaiser for me to manipulate the container of that data.
<div className="amiibo-data">
name= {}
aSeries= {this.state.amiiboSeries}
gSeries= {this.state.gameSeries}
releaseDate= {this.state.release}
Issues and Resolutions Most of my issues had to do with styling. Flex box continues to feel very tricky and I feel that better planning or wireframing is necessaary prior to laying down code. Google remains to be the undisputed champion of assitance when the going gets tough.