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Parsing an existing HL7 message

Jaime Olivares edited this page Oct 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Object construction

Create a Message object and pass a raw HL7 message in text format

Message message = new Message(strMsg);

// Parse this message

bool isParsed = false;

    isParsed = message.ParseMessage();
catch(Exception ex)
    // Handle the exception

Message extraction

If the HL7 message is coming from a MLLP connection (see the official documentation), the message needs to be cleared from the MLLP prefixes and suffixes. Also, consider there can be more than one message in a single MLLP frame.

For this purpose, there is an ExtractMessages() method, to be used as follows:

// extract the messages from a buffer containing a MLLP frame
var messages = MessageHelper.ExtractMessages(buffer);

// construct and process each message
foreach (var strMsg in messages)
    Message message = new Message(strMsg);
    message.ParseMessage(); // Required by most operations
    // do something with the message object

Bypass Validation

Under certain conditions, it may be convenient to bypass the validation of the HL7 message by setting a flag in the ParseMessage() method, as shown:

Message  message = new Message(strMsg)


A message can be serialized as a string by using the Message.SerializeMessage() method. The method accepts an optional boolean argument for enabling validation before serializing.

This flag is useful for some scenarios where it is needed to validate a message against its original value.

Accessing Segments

Get list of all segments

List<Segment> segList = message.Segments();

Get List of list of repeated segments by name

For example if there are multiple IN1 segments

List<Segment> IN1List = message.Segments("IN1");

Access a particular occurrence from multiple IN1s providing the index

Note index 1 will return the 2nd element from list

Segment IN1_2 = message.Segments("IN1")[1];

Get count of IN1s

int countIN1 = message.Segments("IN1").Count;

Access first occurrence of any segment

Segment IN1 = message.DefaultSegment("IN1");

// OR

Segment IN1 = message.Segments("IN1")[0];

Accessing Fields

Access field values

string SendingFacility = message.GetValue("MSH.4");

// OR

string SendingFacility = message.DefaultSegment("MSH").Fields(4).Value;

// OR

string SendingFacility = message.Segments("MSH")[0].Fields(4).Value;

Segment ocurrences

string ContactPhone = message.GetValue("NK1(2).5"); // Second occurrence of NK1

Check if field is componentized

bool isComponentized = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(5).IsComponentized;

// OR

bool isComponentized = message.IsComponentized("PID.5");

Check if field has repetitions

bool isRepeated = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(3).HasRepetitions;

// OR

bool isRepeated = message.HasRepetitions("PID.3");

Get a list of repeated fields

List<Field> repList = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(3).Repetitions();

Get a particular repetition i.e. 2nd repetition of PID.3

Field PID3_R2 = message.GetValue("PID.3[2]");

// OR

Field PID3_R2 = message.GetValue("PID.3(2)");

Access some of the required MSH fields with properties

string version = message.Version;
string msgControlID = message.MessageControlID;
string messageStructure = message.MessageStructure;

Accessing Components

Access particular component i.e. PID.5.1 – Patient Family Name

string PatName1 = message.GetValue("PID.5.1");

// OR

string PatName1 = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(5).Components(1).Value;

Check if component is sub componentized

bool isSubComponentized = message.Segments("PV1")[0].Fields(7).Components(1).IsSubComponentized;

// OR

bool isSubComponentized = message.IsSubComponentized("PV1.7.1");

Null elements

Null elements (fields, components or subcomponents), also referred to as Present But Null, are expressed in HL7 messages as double quotes, like (see last field):


Whenever requested individually, those elements are returned as null, rather than double quotes:

var expectEmpty = evn.Fields(3).Value; // Will return an empty string
var expectNull = evn.Fields(4).Value; // Will return null

If this behavior is not desirable, it can be disabled by setting Encoding.PresentButNull to null before parsing:

var message = new Message(msg);
message.Encoding.PresentButNull = null;

Date Handling

A couple of date handling methods have been added, for parsing elements containing valid date/times, including time zones, as described in the HL7 standard. Examples:

// With time zone
string value1 = "20151231234500.1234+2358";
TimeSpan offset;
DateTime? dt1 = MessageHelper.ParseDateTime(value1, out offset);

// Date/time only
string value2 = "20151231234500";
DateTime? dt2 = MessageHelper.ParseDateTime(value2);

ParseDateTime will catch exceptions by default and return null in case of invalid dates. For preventing this mechanism, add an extra argument as true, like:

    var dt1 = MessageHelper.ParseDateTime(value1, out TimeSpan offse, true);
    var dt2 = MessageHelper.ParseDateTime(value2, true);
    // do something here