项目是用Visual Studio 2022完成的,我们在代码中采用了MVC模式、命令模式、抽象工厂模式,体现了面向对象的设计思想。但仍有诸多不灵活的地方,如游戏底层逻辑的设计。
This project is a Sudoku game designed in C++ as a course project by three undergraduates from the School of Artificial Intelligence, Jilin University, Class of 2023.
The entire project uses UTF-8 with BOM encoding and follows the C++17 standard. Please maintain consistent encoding if adding new files.
This is a basic console application featuring essential Sudoku functionalities such as placing and deleting numbers.
The project was completed using Visual Studio 2022. It follows the MVC, Command, and Abstract Factory patterns to demonstrate object-oriented design principles. However, there are some limitations in the flexibility of the game’s underlying logic.
Some comments in the code are in Chinese.