Player scans QR Code
- [Backend] Generate QR code for Player Login
- [Backend] Controller for QR code
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Create Main Menu for Main Screen
- Menu Options for the different game modes
- Setting for number of rounds
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Create Game Screen
- Display QR Code when game hasnt started or game is full
- Show Usernames, ready status and free draw canvas
Player sees Login form
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Create Login Screen
- Input for Username
- Submit Button
- [Backend] Create LoginController
- Add player to player list (username, sessionid, signalrid, dict<round,picture>)
- Limit Players to 8
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Create Login Screen
Player is routed to drawing screen
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Create Canvas Component
- Display Drawing Canvas scaled to device screen
- Show toolbar at the bottom to change line thickness, toggle eraser/draw mode, clear all button
- [Backend] Create DrawHub
- ReceivePicture Mobile -> Server
- SendPicutre Server -> Main Client
- ClearCanvas
- CanvasEnabled
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Create Canvas Component
Drawing board is only enabled depending on game state
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Implement blocked state
- Place a cute placeholder
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Implement blocked state
Player presses Ready button
- [Backend] Implement PlayerHub
- UserReady
- AllUserReady
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Update Main screen
- Show which user is ready
- Show that the game is starting when all user are ready
- [Backend] Implement PlayerHub
Player Canvas is cleared
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Subscribe to ClearCanvas
- Clear user canvas
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Subscribe to ClearCanvas
Player gets the prompt to draw and the time left
- [Backend] Update DrawHub
- Publish random word to Player and Main Client
- [Backend] Implement GameHub
- Set a timer and update every second
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Update Main Screen
- Display each player canvas in realtime
- Display remaining time
- Display current word to draw
- [Backend] Update DrawHub
Player has controls for line thickness and eraser, clear all
- Nothing to implement, see above
If AI guesses correct canvas of this player is locked
- [Frontent - PlayerScreen] Implement AI
- AI needs to guess the word of the drawn picture
- Player Client needs to send a success message to the backend when the AI guessed it right
- Lock the canvas when AI guessed it right
- [Backend] Implement Success logic
- Update GameHub with another method
- Save TimeStamp and picture of the player
- Give player points according to his place
- [Frontend - MainScreen]
- Show which player is finished or is still playing
- [Frontent - PlayerScreen] Implement AI
If time runs out without correct guess canvas is locked
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen]
- Lock the canvas
- Send a failed message to Server
- [Backend] Implement a failed logic
- Update GameHub or generalize the success logic
- Save picture only
- Give player 0 points
- If more than one player fails, rank them all on the last place
- [Frontend - MainScreen]
- Show that the time is up
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen]
Player get points according to placement
- 1st Place = 5 Points
- 2nd Place = 3 Points
- 3rd Place = 2 Points
- Correct Guess inside time frame = 1 Point
Best and Worst picture between rounds
- [Backend] Implement Controller to send end of round stats
- Send the 1st Place picture to the Main Client
- Send thee last place picture to the Main Client
- When there are more than one last place: Randomly decide which picture is the worst.
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Get and display data from end of round controller
- Display two picture given from the backend.
- [Backend] Implement Controller to send end of round stats
Next round starts automatically
- [Backend] Implement next round to GameHub
- Start the next round after 10 seconds
- [Backend] Implement next round to GameHub
After X Rounds stats are displayed on main screen
- [Backend] Implement End of game stats contoller
- Rank the players according to his points
- Method to get the stats for all players
- Method to get own stats
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Get and display end of game stats for all
- Display the rank
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Get and display end of game stats for self
- Display players rank
- [Backend] Implement End of game stats contoller
Gallery of all drawn pictures is shown (optional)
- [Backend] Implement PictureHub to send picture data of all rounds
- Send all picture of each round
- Send them in a 10 seconds interval
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Get and display data from PictureHub
- Display pictures given from the backend
- [Backend] Implement PictureHub to send picture data of all rounds
Button to start a new round with same players
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display restart button
- Display restart button
- [Backend] Update GameHub to restart the game with same players
- Restart whole game with same players
- Don't generate new QR code
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display restart button
Button to start a new round with new players
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display new game button
- Display new game button
- [Backend] Update GameHub to restart the game with new players
- Clear everything
- Generate new QR Code
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display new game button
Same as before
Last Player to get the AI to guess right or all players who did not get the AI to guess right are removed
- [Backend] Remove player after loosing
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Remove player from main screen
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Display Game Over
Last Player in game wins
- [Backend] Update GameHub to send winning player
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display Winner
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Display Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Player scans QR Code
Player sees Login form
Player logs in with username
Player is routed to guessing screen
Player presses Start Game Button on Main Client
Game Starts
Player sees AI drawing on Main Screen
- [Backend] Update GameHub to send random word to drawing AI
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Implement Drawing AI
- Display Canvas and strokes of AI
Player has textbox to input their guess
- [Backend] Implement GuessHub to receive Player guess
- [Frontent - PlayerScreen] Display Textbox and Guess History
Player sees placeholder for image name on main screen and player screen
- [Backend] Update GuessHub to send the chosen word
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Display placeholder for chosen word
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display placeholder for chosen word
Correct guesses are not displayed
Own guesses are displayed on player screen
Chat is displayed on main screen with all the guesses
- [Backend] Update GuessHub to send all incorrect guesses
- [Frontend - MainScreen] Display Guess history
If Player guesses correct input of this player is locked
If time runs out without correct guess input is locked
- [Backend] Update GameHub to send if player is correct
- [Frontend - PlayerScreen] Disable input if correct or round end
Player get points according to placement
- 1st Place = 5 Points
- 2nd Place = 3 Points
- 3rd Place = 2 Points
- Correct Guess inside time frame = 1 Point
Next round starts automatically
After X Rounds stats are displayed on main screen
Button to start a new round with same players
Button to start a new round with new players