This is Electronic-Waste😎, aka. Shao Wang, a freshman graduate 🧑🎓 at SJTU majoring in Computer Science.
I'm an enthusiast for the open-source community, serving as:
Maintainer of SJTU-SE: An unofficial organization for the School of Software Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Reviewer of kubeflow/katib: An AutoML toolkit on Kubernetes, subproject of kubeflow.
Reviewer of kubeflow/trainer: Distributed ML training and fine-tuning on Kubernetes, subproject of kubeflow.
By now, I have accumulated some professional experience related to Cloud Native AI/Storage Systems:
GSoC'24 @kubeflow: Optimize the control plane of katib, providing an SDK interface for push-based metrics collection.
Infra @BondiTech: Build a new quote storage system on Kubernetes in replace of the current CSV-based storage system.
As for my future career life, my dream is to become an infrastructure engineer designing Cloud Native AI/Storage Systems with scalability, robustness, and high performance.
🌟 My OSS Insight.
ℹ️ Know more about me in my blog!
📫 Email: shaowang2002[AT]gmail[DOT]com