With the CatWAN Arduino LoRa Shield, you will be able to unlock the power of LoRa technology for long-range, low-power communication in an Arduino UNO. Seamlessly integrate your Arduino UNO into LoRaWAN networks for a variety of applications.
This repository contains the KiCad files for a LoRa shield for Arduino Uno and some examples that may help you to get running your LoRa-based applications with the power of an Arduino UNO
The folder named "LoRA_PHY_RH" refers to the communication P2P by the Physical layer of LoRa, in here you can find 2 examples one as the Transmitter (Which also is capable of receiving information) and the second as the receiver (Which also is capable of transmitting information), both examples work with the RadioHead library
The folder named "LoRA_PHY" refers to the communication P2P by the Physical layer of LoRa, in here you can find 2 examples one as the Transmitter and the second as the receiver, both examples work with the Official LoRa library from Arduino.
The folder named LoRa_WAN refers to the communication by a LoRaWAN network from your device to the internet, by the two methods that exist OTAA and ABP, both examples were created to read a GPS or/and temperature from one analogic sensor attached to the analog input.
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5 Jul 2018