a. What is the Project about?
To compare john keats ode's and john keats poems to see which of the texts were most comparable to john keats' "to automn" in all over 4 categories such as type token ratio, average punctuation, average sentence length, and noun-verb-adjective-adverb ratio.
b. What will the project do?
The project will return the calculated values for type token ratio, average punctuation, average sentence length, and noun-verb-adjective-adverb ratio using our own defined functions by reading text files of the given texts
c. How the program will function?
In general, for a given textfile found in text folder(because thats how our functions are modeled), by calling the four functions(Type_Token_Ratio1, avgSenLen1, avgPunkt1,nvaadRatio) it will calculate the type token ratio, average sentence length, average punctuation and noun-verb-adjective-adverb ratio.
d. How successful is the program?
The program run very successful but could be more efficient in incorporating the functions to be able to write the calculations into the text files that have the data collection so it would not have been put in manually.