The Book Club is the application which solves two main booklovers’ needs. We noticed that in addition to reading, booklovers love talking and discussing about books and authors with other readers. This is exactly what The Book Club is about:
- keeping a record of the books we loved, divided by booklist and with the possibility to rate them and add a review.
- creating our own network of readers who share ideas and reviews. We can search for other user and add them as friends. Everybody can comment everyone else review
- The Book Club fetches data from the Google Book Api.
- There are 7 models.
- All CRUD operations can be performed on book lists and books.
- We used Bootstrap and Bootswatch for styling.
The Book Club application can be divided in three main sections:
- the user profile
- the reader’s books list
- the reader’s friends list
”I guess there are never enough books” John Steinbeck