Task Manager (This project is a challenge to code in 1 week ! Contact me for more informations) A simple task management application built with React Native. Table of Contents
The Task Manager App is a mobile application developed with React Native in a few days. It allows users to create, edit, delete, and organize their tasks efficiently. Features
Task Creation: Create new tasks with a title, description, and category. You can check the task to validate it.
Task View : View of all tasks listed, or view details by clicking on tasks with description (didnt work if no description)
Task Deletion: Remove unwanted tasks from your list.
Category Management: Tasks are filtered by categories to easily see them
Clone the repository:
git clone [https://github.com/your-username/task-manager-app.git](https://github.com/EloiseIncrociati/TaskManager.git)
Navigate to the project directory:
cd task-manager-app
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the application:
npx react-native run-android # For Android
(having no mac computer, this app was build for android only, can add ios configuration later)
Launch the application on your mobile device or emulator.
Create a new task by providing a title, description, and choosing category.
Manage your tasks using the available options (check, delete).
Enjoy a simple and effective task management experience!
React Native
Redux / Redux Toolkit
React Navigation
React Native Magnus
Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Follow the contributing guidelines.
We can add a category management, to personalize our own categories. We can add the data persistence by using Async Storage and redux-persist with the following code : import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { persistStore, persistReducer } from 'redux-persist'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; // Import AsyncStorage for React Native import taskReducer from './taskSlice';
const persistConfig = { key: 'root', storage: AsyncStorage, // Use AsyncStorage for React Native whitelist: ['tasks'], // Specify the reducers you want to persist };
const persistedReducer = persistReducer(persistConfig, taskReducer);
const store = configureStore({ reducer: { tasks: persistedReducer, }, middleware: getDefaultMiddleware({ serializableCheck: false, }), });
const persistor = persistStore(store);
export { store, persistor };