Building a product called that provides users with the ability to reach out to operations or repairs department regarding repair or maintenance requests and monitors the status of their requests by making use of html, css and javascript.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Make sure you have a text editor which you'll use to make edits on the html, css and javascript file. The following are some of the links that will help you get a text editor of your choice.
Make sure you have git installed on your device. Every modification should be done using the command line. Use this link to download git on your device
Ensure you have a Pivotal Tracker Account where every task you'll do will be monitored before writing the actual code. Use this link to create Pivotal Tracker Account.
Clone the repository or download the repository on your device Create a local repository on your device where your modifications will be carried out from
Ensure the modifications you've made either in your html, css or javascript file are functional as you desire before you upload. Run them on atleast two web-browsers to see how they appear, mainly Mozilla and Chrome
These tests must be run because you need to be certain that it appears on any web-browser and that their is no error in what you are commiting but instead a better version of what you are working on is submitted
Where necessary, avoid the use of spacebar to indent lines of code. Make use of tabs
Do not use any css frameworks e.g bootstrap, materialize e.t.c Do not download and use already built website templates
- Okot Emmanuel
This project is licensed under an individual license