Create OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. API Keys can be managed here: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
- Linux BASH Shell (~/.bashrc)
export OPENAI_API_KEY=[Your API Key Here]
- Linux BASH Shell (~/.bashrc)
Change to the directory of the desired project.
cd EncodeClub-AIBootcamp24Q1-Team4/Project1-ChefGPT
Create Python Virtual Environment
python -m venv venv
Activate Virtual Environment
- Windows
- Linux
source ./venv/bin/activate
- Windows
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
The ChefGPT application uses LLMs to simulate a chef. It has 4 different roles as follows:
- Suggest random ingredients that can be used in a recipe
- Suggest a dish that can be made with a given set of ingredients
- Provide a recipe for a specified dish
- Give critique for a given recipe
To run the application, simply type:
python main.py [<uniqueid>]
unique id is optional. When not provided, 3 chefs will be picked at random. When the unique id is provided, all 3 chefs roles will be assumed by that given unique id.
Valid Unique ID values are in main.py as follows:
# Unique IDs for the team members
team4_uniqueids = [
"YTZTDV", # @Max Degenhardt
"4KTBAl", # @Guy Cioffi
"LMaGmf", # @Brian Blank
"0EY4BL", # Ritik Bompilwar
"Ton3LP", # @ckxddd
"kC2AZ4", # @CryptoCortez
"nmv94F", # @Prasanna Malla
"TySKci", # @alex