A prototype implementation of the classic Falling-sand game written in Rust.
I have started this project to get familiar with Rust. It has multithreading and the simulation is renderer-agnostic.
At the moment, a few materials are implemented, as well as various renderers.
cargo run --package terminal_renderer
Press Enter to forward the simulation. You can change the initial state in main.rs
In a window (using pixels)
cargo run --package pixels_renderer
In a Browser (using wasm-pack)
Try it here: sandspiel.ende.pro (might be outdated)
- install wasm-pack (see website)
cd wasm-pack-renderer
wasm-pack build
cd www
npm install
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
npm start
OpenSSL legacy provider is required, unfortunately. The option is only needed if you are using a newer version of nodejs.