This opensource initiative is newly created and headed by Glader/HelloKitty a .NET/C#/Unity3D/Network/Server developer who has experience in building network game backends. Glader/HelloKitty leads and develops for FreecraftCore which is an in-development next generation .NET client/server emulation project for World of Warcraft private servers. Glader/HelloKitty also leads and develops the Booma Project which is a ground-up recreation of the Phantasy Star Online game utilizing Unity Technologies' Unity3D engine. Glader/HelloKitty is also the developer of a high-level networking API called GladNet2 which provides a productive API around networking library implementations such as Lidgren-gen3 on top of a collection of other Unity3D tools and libraries.
Glader/HelloKitty is now bringing those technologies that power the Phantasy Star Online remake, GladNet2 and the experience and knowledge gathered from building a next-generation World of Warcraft emulator to an open-source Endless Ages project.
Some video evidence proving the validility of the above claims.
Discord Bot integration with FreecraftCore: This video demonstrates that FreecraftCore is a functional project. It is a demonstration of a packet bot that can report guild chat into Discord channels.
Demonstration of a Unity3D mockup of a functional Trinitycore compatible client using FreecraftCore: This video demonstrates again that FreecraftCore is functional and is compatible with Trinitycore.
PSO Remake Simple Networking Demo: This video demonstrates that the Phantasy Star Online project, using GladNet2 and other tools, is functional and that development of an instance server is underway.
What is the goal of this project?
This project is an open-source initiative for Endless Ages.
Does that mean this is a remake?
No, it's undecided what will be done. Whether it be to deconstruct/decompile the Endless Ages backend and client into a source format or a recreation of the game is up for discussion.
Where is the code? Where is the project?
This is new. It is still in the information gathering phase and we do not yet have a direction.
When will more information be available?
When more information is known this repo readme will be updated.
I have more questions!
If you have additional questions feel free to raise a github issue on this repo to ask.