CS2D Lua language support in Atom
Add CS2D syntax highlighting and snippets to Lua files in Atom.
See: https://atom.io/packages/language-cs2d-lua
Trigger | Name | Body |
-[ | multiline comment | --[[ comment... ]] |
=[ | nested multiline comment | --[=[ comment... ]=] |
afun | anon function | functionName = function (args) -- body... end |
for | for i=1,10 | for i = 1, 10 do -- body... end |
fori | for i,v in ipairs() | for i,v in ipairs(table_name) do -- body... end |
forp | for k,v in pairs() | for k,v in pairs(table_name) do -- body... end |
fun | function | function functionName (args) -- body... end |
if | if conditional | if value then --body... end |
ife | if else conditional | if value then --body... else --body... end |
ifn | if not conditional | if not value then --body... end |
ifne | if not else conditional | if not value then --body... else --body... end |
lfun | local function | local function functionName (args) -- body... end |
loc | local variable definition shortcut | local x = 1 |
local | local variable definition | local x = 1 |
ltab | local table definition | local name = {} |
print("logging") | ||
rep | repeat loop shortcut | repeat -- body... until condition |
repeat | repeat loop | repeat -- body... until condition |
ret | return definition shortcut | return value |
return | return definition | return value |
tab | table definition | name = {} |
whi | while loop shortcut | while condition do -- body... end |
while | while loop | while condition do -- body... end |
Trigger | Name | Body |
tabc | table.concat | table.concat(tableName, " ", start_index, end_index) |
tabf | table.foreach | table.foreach(tableName, function) |
tabi | table.insert | table.insert(tableName, data) |
tabs | table.sort | table.sort(tableName, sortfunction) |
tabr | table.remove | table.remove(tableName, position) |
tabm | table.maxn | table.maxn(tableName) |
Trigger | Name | Body |
abs | math.abs | math.abs(x) |
acos | math.acos | math.acos(x) |
asin | math.asin | math.asin(x) |
atan | math.atan | math.atan(x) |
atan2 | math.atan2 | math.atan2(y, x) |
ceil | math.ceil | math.ceil(x) |
cos | math.cos | math.cos(x) |
cosh | math.cosh | math.cosh(x) |
deg | math.deg | math.deg(x) |
exp | math.exp | math.exp(x) |
floor | math.floor | math.floor(x) |
fmod | math.fmod | math.fmod(x, y) |
frexp | math.frexp | math.frexp(x) |
huge | math.huge | math.huge |
ldexp | math.ldexp | math.ldexp(m, e) |
log | math.log | math.log(x) |
log10 | math.log10 | math.log10(x) |
max | math.max | math.max(x, ...) |
min | math.min | math.min(x, ...) |
pi | math.pi | math.pi |
pow | math.pow | math.pow(x, y) |
rad | math.rad | math.rad(x) |
random | math.random | math.random(m, n) |
randomseed | math.randomseed | math.randomseed(x) |
sin | math.sin | math.sin(x) |
sinh | math.sinh | math.sinh(x) |
sqrt | math.sqrt | math.sqrt(x) |
tan | math.tan | math.tan(x) |
tanh | math.tanh | math.tanh(x) |
Trigger | Name | Body |
All CS2D function names | Function name | Function name with arguments and a short help string |
hookfunc | hooked function | addhook("hookname", "functionName") function functionName(args) body... end |
Contributions to the plugin are welcome. Fork this repository and open a pull request to add snippets, make grammar tweaks, etc.
Atom language-cs2d-lua is released under the MIT license. Atom langauge-lua is released under the MIT license.
Originally based on the Lua TextMate bundle.