This package connects panda_gym with the real robot (Panda Franka Emika) through ROS
This package was tested with real robot with:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa
- ROS noetic
- libfranka 0.8.0
- franka_ros 0.7.1
- panda_moveit_config 0.7.5
- panda_controller noetic_dev
- frankx master on cc81e52045be280ee2f6b928e954d05ccc7798ad
Follow Dependencies and building section here
Install frankx
Note: To make frankx compatible (which assumes libfranka 0.7.1) with libfranka 0.8.0, go to frankx/src/frankx/robot.cpp and change setEE in the setDefaultBehavior() method with:
setEE({1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0});
Remember to always call setDefaultBehavior() whenever you use frankx. Example:
robot = Robot("")
gripper = robot.get_gripper()
The AI has been trained with the goal closest to the default one...
Go to panda_gym/envs/assets/pickandplace.json and set the object -> body -> basePosition to [0.025, 0.025, 0.4] for better results.
cd ~/panda_ws/src/
pip3 install --user numpy panda_gym torch
git clone
cd ~/panda_ws
catkin build
This file allows you to run panda_gym and test your policy defined in src/
Parameters available:
- DEBUG_ENV_ENABLED: enable panda_gym environment debug prints
- DEBUG_AI_ENABLED: enable ai actor debug prints
- NUM_EPISODES: number of episodes to run
- LEN_EPISODE: maximum number of steps per episode
- WRITE_ENABLE: if true, it asks you whether to save the path generated by the episode performed
- FILE_NAME: specify here the name of the file containing the path to be saved
- ACTOR: specify here your actor
This file allows you to use your AI to control the real robot with frankx
Parameters available:
- IP: specify here the ip of the robot
- DEBUG_ENV_ENABLED: enable panda_gym environment debug prints
- DEBUG_AI_ENABLED: enable ai actor debug prints
- NUM_EPISODES: number of episodes to run
- LEN_EPISODE: maximum number of steps per episode
- DYNAMIC_REL: if this value is 0.08, it set velocity, acceleration and jerk to 8% of the maximum
- ACTOR: specify here your actor
- START_POSE: this is a list of start pose for your episodes. Note**: the AI used requires that the start pose is always the same
- OBJ_POSE: this is a list of object pose for your episodes
- GOAL_POSE: this is a list of goal pose for your episodes
Note: the accuracy of the AI is in the order of 10 cm.
panda_path_frankx (or panda_path_moveit) is a file that generates a trajectory with the path contained in the specified file and executes it with frankx (or moveit)
Parameters available for panda_path_frankx:
- IP: specify here the ip of the robot
- DYNAMIC_REL: if this value is 0.08, it set velocity, acceleration and jerk to 8% of the maximum
- FILE_NAME: is the name of the file in data/paths where read the path
- TIME_DELAY: is the delay after which to add new waypoints in "async" mode
- python3 planning ---> to generate the trajectory offline
- python3 linear --------> to move to each point at runtime with linear movements
- python3 planning ---> to generate the trajectory online receiving waypoints with a TIME_DELAY delay
Parameters available for panda_path_moveit in launch/panda_path.launch** (Note**: execute this file with roslaunch panda_gym_integration panda_path.launch):
arm_speed: is speed used for setMaxVelocityScalingFactor() method of Moveit
gripper_speed: is the speed used for the move() method of the gripper
gripper_speed, grasp_speed, grasp_force, grasp_epsilon_inner, grasp_epsilon_outer: are the values used in grasp() method of the gripper
eef_step, jump_threashould: are the values used in compute_cartesian_path() method of Moveit
real_robot: if true, panda_controller will use franka_gripper's action clients
file_name: is the name of the file in data/paths where read the path
mode = 1: the generation of the trajectories is done with the compute_cartesian_path() method of Moveit
mode = 2: each point is read and immediately executed with moveArmPoseTCP() method of panda_controller
mode2_delay, mode2_delay: If mode is 2, each point is execute with mode2_delay and with go(wait=mode2_wait) in Moveit
- debug_frankx: use python3 cmd_name, where cmd_name is the command name you want to test with frankx
- src/panda_actors: this files containes the policies and AI, used in panda_gym_run and ai_controller
- ai/: this folder contains the necessary files for the AI taken [here] (
I used these extensions:
- c/c++ by microsoft
- c++ intellisense by austin
- cmake by twxs
- doxygen by christoph schlosser
- clang-format by xaver
- doxgen documentation by christoph schlosser
- python by microsoft
- git graph by mhutchie
- gruvbox mirror by adamsome
- vscode-icons by icons for visual studio code
- git graph by mhutchie
Enrico Sgarbanti @Envq for panda-gym integration with real robot
Luca Marzari @LM095 for AI. look here for more details
This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License - see the file for details