This exercise will help you get comfortable with the Enye git workflow
Update this repo by taking the following steps:
- Create a folder in the root directory of this repo (use any method)
- name it
- name it
- Create a a file inside of this folder (use any method)
- name it
- name it
- In this text file, list 5 commands that you learned from week 1 and explain what they do in your own words
- Save the file (CTRL+S) then Add and Commit your changes
- make sure to add a short but descriptive message of the changes that you are committing
git add git_command_line_assessment_{{your_first_name}}.txt
git commit -m "{{add_your_message_here}}"
- Now the changes to your forked version of the
git push origin master
- Go to your forked and make sure that the changes have been successfully pushed to github
- Once you have the confirmation, slack the link of you forked repo to enye_admin
git status
- to see which files that you have changedgit add .
- to add all filesgit commit -am "{{add_your_message_here}}"
- to add all files during a commit (meaning you add and commit in one step instead of two)
git branch
- lists all the local branchesgit remote -v
- list all the remote repos connected to your local repo (by default origin points to the git repo that your cloned from)git checkout {name_of_branch}
- switches you to that branchgit checkout -b {name_of_branch}
- creates a new branch and switches you to that branchgit branch -d {name_of_branch}
- deletes the named branchgit push origin -u {name_of_branch}
- creates a new branch in the remote repo