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Gabriel Bodard edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Working group for encoding/displaying Hittite

This working group has been convened to discuss and attempt to implement the mapping of Cuneiform and especially Hittite text editions to TEI-EpiDoc XML. We expect that these recommendations and implementations may later be applied with little or no modification to other languages written in cuneiform (e.g. Luwian, Hurrian, Hattic, Palaic), or Hieroglyphic Luwian.

Prior work (see Bodard/Robson 2017) has established that EpiDoc is essentially compatible with the fundamental Oracc digital format, but more work needs to be done to align these standards at the documentation level, and there is no implementation in the EpiDoc Reference Stylesheets to render in the Oracc Cuneiform transcription style. We have invited to this group of scholars with some combination of: (a) interest in digital publication of Hittite and other Anatolian languages, (b) experience with the Oracc’s ATF and other Cuneiform digital encoding and display conventions, (c) involvement with EpiDoc encoding and recommendations, or (d) experience with developing or customising the EFES publication platform. The goals of the group are broadly as follows:

  1. Assess whether digital encoding of Hittite editions have any more specific needs than the default Oracc transcription style or ATF. If necessary, extend recommendations (formally or informally).
  2. Map the Oracc conventions (and therefore the recommendations for Hittite, as appropriate) to EpiDoc encodings/guideline pages, as started by Bodard/Robson 2017.
  3. Propose to EpiDoc any new elements or classes required in the schema to accommodate Oracc/Hittite needs.
  4. Document the Oracc/Hittite recommendations for the EpiDoc Guidelines.
  5. Implement a "Leiden-style" (or styles) for Oracc/Hittite in the EpiDoc Reference Stylesheets, so that the recommended encoding can be transformed to the expected display.
  6. Implement any changes needed in the EFES publication platform to accommodate display or indexing of Oracc/Hittite editions.

The more technical tasks (particularly 3, 5 and 6) will require the participation of XML and XSLT experienced partners, but will also depend heavily on decisions made with the input of all contributors, not least those with direct experience with the Hittite texts and the Oracc and other conventions.

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