Made with little love for Java EE
Evert Borghgraef Karsten Gielis Wouter Meuwis
For this Java EE project to run, a J2EE compatible application server needs to be running side by side with the web server
The minimum requirement is Oracle JDK 8 Update 191 For this we have installed Oracle JDK 13
- sudo dpkg -i jdk-13_linux-x64_bin.deb
The minimum requirement is unknown For this we have installed Eclipse Glassfish Server 5.1
- mkdir ~/Servers
- jar xvf ~/Downloads/
- mv ~/Downloads/glassfish5 ~/Servers/glassfish5
The default domain is domain1 Linux:
- ~/Servers/glashfish5/bin/asadmin start-domain
- ~/Servers/glashfish5/bin/asadmin stop-domain