- Default Export export default Component; import Component from "path";
- Named Export export const/let Component; import {Component} from "path" ;
(Normal js utility function)
- useState() - Superpowerful State variables in react
- useEffect()
react re-render by comparing Two js Objects without messing with HTML(real DOM) it compares Js Objects(Virtual DOM- React components)
Virtual DOM is the representation of a actual DOM => normal javascript Object like "
Best Practice LOAD -> RENDER -> API/Functions -> RENDER
Use shimmer ui (fake cards when data is not fetched for render)
Whenever a state variable update , react triggers a reconciliation cycle (re-renders the component)
Always call your useState inside function component.
Client side routing - Link in react router dom help us to acheive that ( It is just a single page only the components of website changing)
Server side routing