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Instructions for Windows

Eric Marti edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. If you don't already have Docker installed, download and install Docker Desktop for Windows from here: Docker Desktop

  2. If you don't already have Git installed, download and install Git for Windows from here: Git Downloads

  3. If you plan on running an SMTP server on Windows, install an SMTP server such as this popular one from Docker Hub: turgon37/smtp-relay

    Note: This step is not required if you only plan on using Discord, Slack, etc.

  4. Open Windows PowerShell and adjust the execution policy to allow PowerShell scripts to run:

    PS C:\dev> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process

    The command above sets the execution policy to unrestricted only for the current PowerShell session. A more permanent version of the above would be:

    PS C:\dev> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

    If you are interested, you can read more about execution policies here: Microsoft Docs

  5. Clone this repository and pull the latest image from Docker Hub:

    PS C:\dev> git clone
    PS C:\dev> cd inventory-hunter
    PS C:\dev\inventory-hunter> docker pull ericjmarti/inventory-hunter:latest
  6. Create your own configuration file based on one of the provided examples:

  7. Start the Docker container using the provided docker_run.ps1 script, specifying the required arguments.

    If using Discord or Slack, the format of your command will look like this:

    .\docker_run.ps1 -Config <config_file> -Alerter <discord_or_slack> -Webhook <webhook_url>
    # Discord example:
    PS C:\dev\inventory-hunter> .\docker_run.ps1 -Config .\config\newegg_rtx_3070.yaml -Alerter discord -Webhook

    If using an SMTP relay, the format of your command will look like this:

    .\docker_run.ps1 -Config <config_file> -Email <email_address> -Relay <relay_ip_address>
    # SMTP example:
    PS C:\dev\inventory-hunter> .\docker_run.ps1 -Config .\config\newegg_rtx_3070.yaml -Email [email protected] -Relay

    Note: If you get an error saying docker_run.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system, please see step 4.

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