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Release a New Version with SHA1SUM

Babu Vincent(bavincen) edited this page Dec 30, 2015 · 6 revisions
  • merge your master code to release branch ex: ec-3.5

  • modify version number in install.rdf

  • commit the change push it to release branch ex:ec-3.5

  • create a tag with gpg sign by using.

       git tag -m"comments" -s"tag version"
       example: git tag -m"signed tag" -s "v3.5.0"
  • push tags to GitHub repository using git push --tags.

  • draft new release, go to select the (signed)tag already pushed by you to GitHub repository. ex: v3.5.0

  • release new version

      1. <b>build .xpi</b> file 
                      a) -u (preferred fr GitHub)  or
                      b) -d (for Debian users with no update from GitHub)
      2. <b>Create SHA1SUM</b> for file
                      openssl dgst -sha1 exchangecalendar-v3.5.0.xpi 
      3. finally <b>upload sha1 output file</b> exchangecalendar-v3.5.0.xpi in release draft,
        prefer including release notes, then <b>publish</b>

its done..