Make a thing!
Navigation: as a user I...
- will land on Home by default
- can navigate to Campuses from Home
- can navigate to Students from Home
- can navigate to view a Single Campus from Campuses
- can navigate to view a Single Student from Students
- can navigate to view a Single Student from Single Campus (for any student at that campus)
- can navigate to view that student's Single Campus from Single Student
Views: as a user I...
- see a list of all campuses on the Campuses view
- see a list of all students on the Students view
- see details about a campus on the Single Campus view, including that campus's students
- see details about a student on the Single Student view, including that student's campus
Actions: as a user I...
- can edit a campus's info, including adding/removing a student to/from that campus
- can delete a campus
- can edit a student's info, including the campus that student is assigned to
- can delete a student
Please submit a 3-minute screencast of a walk-through of the functionality and code for each user story in your app. E.g. for "As a user, I can create a campus", please show us that you can successfully create a campus in your app, and also the actual code that is involved in doing that (from the front-end components to the backend routes and models). We recommend using Quicktime to record the screencast (instructions on how to do that here).
Once you've recorded your screencast, please upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video, and send us the link. This will aid us in evaluating your submission.
- Code modularity/readability (25%)
- Models (25%)
- Routes (25%)
- Frontend logic and functionality (25%)
- Design + Bonus features (up to 10 Extra Credit points)