Due Date: 9/22/2017 Team Members Names:
- Chandra Adhikari
- Phil Gore
- Aaron Parish
- Jorah Hinman
- Main.java (The Driver program)
- LandingPageGUI.java (The initial landing program)
- CreateProfileGUI.java
- AccountManager.java
- AccountManagerTest.java
- ProfileGUI.java
- UserProfile.java
- LoginGUI.java
From the directory containing these java files simply run the following command: $ javac *.java Then to run the program simply run the following command from the directory containing Main.class file. $ java Main
We have included a test file that tests all of our logical methods that verifies login information for creating, editing, or deleting user. This test file contains multiple assert statement inside the same method for robust testing. GUI testing is not implemented in this test class - it only test for logistics.