Several bug fixes/changes
[ + ] Reordered the /hplb syntax so the new one is actually applied (/hplb [Hunting|Selling|Crafting|Page No.] [ID|Page No.] [Page No.]) - also recoded to look a little nicer.
[ + ] Changed how the master /hp command handles subcommands; this is not a visible change though
[ + ] Fixed custom recipes throwing errors, stopping their scores being incremented in the leaderboard
[ + ] Fixed /sellhead having no message sent when the command is used incorrectly
[ + ] Re-added /hp debug fix , which magically disappeared
[ + ] Made it so that zombies, ender dragons, skeletons, wither skeletons and creepers use the {mob-default} placeholder
[ + ] Also fixed those placeholders mentioned above not working
[ + ] Removed the console message about MythicMobs not being a soft dependency
[ + ] Fixed a warning where it attempts to find the HP#light_gray_sheep (should be HP#silver_sheep)
[ + ] Fixed levelling up throwing errors, how nice!