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Releases: Errored-Innovations/HeadsPlus

Bug fixes + Placeholders

10 May 16:05
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[ + ] Added several challenge placeholders (where CHALLENGE-ID is the ID of the challenge in the config, e.g. starter, BAT-1-crafting):

  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_header% (gets the header of the challenge shown on the challenge's item)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_name% (gets the actual name of the challenge used when a message is broadcasted saying the player has completed said challenge)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_description% (the description of the challenge)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_min-heads% (the minimum number of heads required to complete the challenge)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_progress% (how many heads required the user has currently)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_difficulty% (the difficulty of the challenge, sometimes used to determine the rewards)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_type% (the type of head required to complete the challenge)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_reward% (the reward string used in the challenge)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_completed% (if the challenge has been complete, may require some testing?)
  • %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_xp% (how much XP is gained from it)

[ + ] Fixed the RUN_COMMAND reward type not behaving appropriately, but it can now run more than one command:

- 'eco give {player} 100'
- 'msg {player} hi!'

[ + ] Fixed the wandering trader and trader llama masks not working.

[ + ] When a challenge was finished, its lore is now translated correctly

[ + ] Fixed an NPE when using RUN_COMMAND as a reward value

[ + ] In the progress of adding raw JSON message support, not yet but soon tm (can be toggled using use-tellraw in config.yml)

Further mask fixes + Others

05 May 12:54
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[ + ] Fixed some mask effects being infinite(?)

[ + ] Fixed shift-clicking to place a mask on you not applying the effects

[ + ] Fixed errors being thrown when a player leaves with a mask on

[ + ] When switching masks, effects are now replaced instantly

[ + ] Fixed masks failing after being switched

[ + ] Fixed stupid MySQL error

[ + ] Empty recipes no longer have results built

NEW: [ + ] Fixed weird NPE that was originally meant to be ignored

Masks fix

01 May 19:34
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[ + ] Fixed masks not applying effects due to the previous system overhaul

Several bug fixes/changes

30 Apr 20:17
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[ + ] Reordered the /hplb syntax so the new one is actually applied (/hplb [Hunting|Selling|Crafting|Page No.] [ID|Page No.] [Page No.]) - also recoded to look a little nicer.

[ + ] Changed how the master /hp command handles subcommands; this is not a visible change though

[ + ] Fixed custom recipes throwing errors, stopping their scores being incremented in the leaderboard

[ + ] Fixed /sellhead having no message sent when the command is used incorrectly

[ + ] Re-added /hp debug fix , which magically disappeared

[ + ] Made it so that zombies, ender dragons, skeletons, wither skeletons and creepers use the {mob-default} placeholder

[ + ] Also fixed those placeholders mentioned above not working

[ + ] Removed the console message about MythicMobs not being a soft dependency

[ + ] Fixed a warning where it attempts to find the HP#light_gray_sheep (should be HP#silver_sheep)

[ + ] Fixed levelling up throwing errors, how nice!

Sellhead overhaul + MM fix

29 Apr 17:10
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[ + ] Overhauled the /sellhead command, so whilst that may not mean too much, it should run far better and is more performance friendly.

[ + ] Fixed the plugin dropping heads for MythicMobs mobs but not vice versa, even with the option enabled

[ + ] Added the headsplus.sellhead.gui permission, allowing access to the sellhead GUI - provided by default

Changes not included in the last snapshot:
[ + ] Added the giant head, ahahah
[ + ] Added a {default} option for mob chances
[ + ] (hopefully) fixed sounds in the GUI being heard by other players

A few things to note:

  • /hplb currently has a mix-up for its tab completion but will work as normal (Current syntax is still /hplb [Total|Entity|Page No.] [Page No.] [Hunting|Selling|Crafting], not the one currently in the plugin)
  • Crafting features have yet to be tested still

Crafting Overhaul + Mob Texture shift

28 Apr 18:36
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[ + ] All mob heads now use custom textures; the plugin will handle that itself. This fixes the following issues:

  • [ + ] Problems with stacking heads
  • [ + ] Incredibly slow opening times for the /sellhead GUI
  • [ + ] Conflicts with plugins such as ChestShop

[ + ] Overhauled the crafting system, or how it is set up

  • [ + ] Crafting now sets itself up asynchronously
  • [ + ] Thus fixed problems with only the blaze head being craftable
  • [ + ] Crafted heads can have their own unique lores, display names and textures
  • [ + ] Crafted heads are no longer strictly tied to mobs; you can create your own custom recipes for custom heads! (Currently untested with a possible risk of problems)
  • [ + ] Crafted heads can have both shaped recipes now (untested)

[ + ] Fixed heads being free in the /heads GUI

Ultimate Economy conflict fix

19 Apr 18:10
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[ + ] Fixed a conflict where the plugin would load before Ultimate Economy, convincing it that there was no economy plugin and thus disabling the Vault features.

[ + ] Also got rid of the warning in console where the plugin didn't consider PlaceholderAPI as a soft dependency.

Overhaul finish + Bug fixes

17 Apr 09:29
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[ + ] The sellhead inventory now uses the new inventory system, meaning the overhaul is finished

[ + ] Fixed a null title being used for the sellhead inventory

[ + ] Inventories now close on reload/restart

[ + ] Inventory building is now async to minimise impact on the server.

[ + ] Removed all of the old inventory code, explaining the massive drop in file size

More Inventory overhaul + Challenges changes + Bug fixes

16 Apr 19:58
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[ + ] The challenge inventories now use the new inventory system.

[ + ] Fixed challenge sections not being in order

[ + ] Fixed the nl_nl.yml file breaking when it is modified - this may throw an error at first, but it will recover afterwards.

[ + ] Fixed NPE thrown when Vault isn't installed and /heads is run

[ + ] Fixed hex codes not being applied to mob head textures

[ + ] Fixed a NPE when a head has a null display name, halting a search

[ + ] Fixed navigation icons not always updating

[ + ] Added pinnable challenges - these can be pinned by right-clicking a challenge and will be sorted into a separate inventory you can keep track of.

[ + ] Added challenge progress - this needs to be applied manually in old configurations, with the default configuration below (inventories.yml):

        - '{challenge-lore}'
        - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.reward}'
        - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.xp}'
        - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.progress}'
        - '{completed}'
        - '{pinned}'

[ + ] Fixed rewards showing $infinity and 0 XP

[ + ] The sections prepare option has been removed as sections must be prepared before regardless

[ + ] Challenge headers now appear a little more friendly

[ + ] New options are added by default now

[ + ] Updated the contributors in /hp info

[ + ] "SPAWNER_EGG" is now a default blocked spawn cause for mob drops

[ + ] Added older placeholder support

[ + ] Improved the loading of favourite heads

[ + ] The {pages} placeholder for stats works again!

Inventory overhaul + Bug fixes

15 Apr 17:06
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[ + ] Overhauled most of the inventory code and is currently applied to the /heads command as a trial run! Please let me know if there are any problems with it. (Currently the {pages} placeholder does not apply itself) - it should be faster than the previous versions.

[ + ] heads.yml has been renamed to mobs.yml in preparation for v7

[ + ] Fixed looting amounts not being applied when multiple heads are dropped

[ + ] Fixed the AT easter egg not working on newer AT versions :(

[ + ] Fixed the leaderboard for hunting not updating or recording itself

[ + ] Fixed death-messages in config.yml never firing (related to the issue above)

[ + ] customheads.yml now stores texture hashes by default rather than the base64 encoded values

[ + ] Fixed masks not replenishing when the player relogs

[ + ] Fixed the /hplb command returning a blank response