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Admin Zone

Chemi edited this page Jun 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Admin Zone (Menu Elements)


If PHPLiteAdmin found in base folder (file: phpliteadmin.php) can edit database in easy way.


Can show and edit config.php if needed.


Search webs configured in config.sw.php for new downloads.

Paste Links

Paste supported links (elink, magnet and torrent) or links recognized by scrapperweb.


Search in links and sublinks (configured on form) for amule, torrents, magnets and direct downloads links (dd links configured in config::O_WEBSPIDER_DD_DOMAINS and send to jdownloader)


Give access to log list:

  • System Logs
  • LogMedia: files in download folder
  • LogMInfo: List of media info
  • LogPlayed: played user elements
  • Cron: cron logs results

Join Elements

Replace media info element with other, and re asing all files to element. With this can join same element with diferent laguages.


List files and ident status:

  • unknown mediainfo but not checked (idmediainfo=0)
  • unknown mediainfo but checked and not finded (idmediainfo=-1, need to manual detect or can be deleted if configured)
  • file detected and assigned (idmediainfo>0 and can be reasigned)

Identify action:


  • Search: search on web for posible title/imdb
  • Episode List: try to search for episodes with title field
  • Set Title: set title/type/season/episode with selected scrapper if finded
  • Set Title Force Existent: try to set to title/type/season/episode if exist in db
  • New Media: create mediainfo manualy and assign to file selected
  • Clean Media: set file to unknown, and can be auto detected in next cron or manualy

Identify Auto:

Force auto detect file with cron autodetect scrapper


Delete idmedia in DB

Delete File:

Delete idmedia in DB and file


User list. Can add, change pass or set admin.

Recover hard drive space

Can filter by filesize, year, rating, duration or year. Preview and full delete


List of iptv channels with add, update, check or/and delete and m3u8 list import


List of URLs for download and import with cron on m3u8 format. Time to update and clean failed: config::O_CRON_VLONG_TIME


Send forced boadcast for DLNA in configured lan and wait for more responses. Only to forced detection, DLNA broadcast every cronshort time (60 minutes default)