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Niclas Lindstedt edited this page Nov 25, 2021 · 5 revisions


You need both .NET Core 3.1 SDK and .NET 5 SDK.

You also need Docker Desktop if you plan on running this in Docker.

You will need to install dotnet-script globally by typing:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-script

Then install the project's required dotnet tools:

dotnet tool restore

Generate private & public key pairs

To generate private & public key pairs, use the generate-keys.csx script:

dotnet script scripts/generate-keys.csx --output user-secrets

This will add private and public keys to your user-secrets.

Database connection string

Setup your connection string by using dotnet user-secrets:

dotnet user-secrets --project src/Etimo.Id.Api set ConnectionStrings:EtimoId "Server=postgres;Port=5432;Database=root;User Id=root;Password=root;"

You can of course customize the connection string.

Setting up database

Start the database server by typing:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.db.yml up -d

You can access the database GUI from https://localhost:8011

Building / running

Run etimo-id by typing:

dotnet run --project src/Etimo.Id.Api

Or by using the run.csx script.

The project is served from https://localhost:5011


In VSCode, simply press F5 to start a debugging session (it should use the .NET Core Run debugger).


You can use the dev.csx script to build and run etimo-id in a Docker container.

It has debugging enabled, so you can simply attach to the process using the .NET Core Attach Docker debugger in VSCode.

This will open a list of processes. Select Etimo.Id.Api from the list of processes.

Now you can set breakpoints in the code and debug as usual. It is a bit slower than non-container debugging.

The project is served from https://localhost:5011

Creating your first users

When starting etimo-id for the first time, a default user and application is added:

username: admin
password: etimo
client_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
client_secret: etimo

Use this user to setup the system. When you are done setting up, you should delete this user.

If you want to remove the database and start over, use the delete-database.csx script.


View the .editorconfig file for a full list of formatting rules.

To install a pre-commit hook that lints the code before committing, use the install-hooks.csx script.

Commit style

This project uses conventional commits for its commit messages.

The project uses husky + commitlint to validate commit messages. Type npm install to install these.

Valid commit types

Type Description
chore Adding/updating scripts, configs, etc; no code change
ci Changes to continuous integration
docs Changes to documentation
feat New feature
fix Bug fix
refactor Code refactoring
repo Updates to e.g. git hooks
scripts Updates to scripts in repository
test Write and refactor tests; no code change
wip Work in progress -- use in feature branches where you squash merge

Helper scripts

Etimo-id comes with a bunch of helper scripts that make development easier.

Run the scripts by issuing e.g. dotnet script ./scripts/dev.csx

Script Description
add-migration.csx Adds a migration file (for pending entity updates).
bash.csx Bash into a running etimo-id container.
build.csx Build a prod Docker image.
code-cleanup.csx Format the code of modified files.
delete-database.csx Delete the database (and recreate it).
dev.csx Run the application in Docker with hot reload on code changes.
install-hooks.csx Install pre-commit git hooks (code cleanup).
logs.csx Follow the logs of the etimo-id container.
revert-migration.csx Revert the latest database migration.
run.csx Start the application (on the host).
setup-secrets.csx Setup secrets (on the host).
start.csx Start the application in prod mode in Docker.
stop.csx Stop the etimo-id container.
support.csx Start the supportive services (db + db admin tool).
test.csx Run unit tests (on the host) just like the test workflow.
update-database.csx Update the database to the latest migration.
watch-run.csx Start the application (on the host) with hot reload.
watch-test.csx Run the tests (on the host) with hot reload.

💡 Pro tip: create an alias for dotnet script, e.g. ds to make it easier to start scripts.
💡 Pro tip #2: use tab-completion, e.g. ds sc<tab>a<tab> for scripts/add-migration.csx