Simple software that will bundle conversations from any slack channel into daily markdown files usable together with JekyllRB
Create your config from the dummy in src/main/resources. Run the application with a -c flag pointing to your config.
slackToken: An api key for the user that will be used to scrape the channel.
slackChannel: The name of the channel to scrape
postDirectory: The posts directory of your jekyllrb site. Or any other directory to save the files to.
assetDirectory: Images and thumbnails are downloaded here
startDate: Date in YYYY-MM-dd format, messages sent in the channel on this day or later will be included in posts.
baseTitle: This is the prefix to all automated post titles.
timeZoneId: Id of a timeZone for JodaTime. All post times will be shown using this timezone.
- See JodaTime Zone Ids).
- Set to "default" to use the timeZone of the system.
blogPeriodBreak: Determines in what periods posts will be bundled.
- daily - messages from 24h periods starting from startDate will be bundled.
- monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday or sunday - Messages in between two of the set weekday will be bundled into a post. startDate until the first such day will be a post.
- 72 (or any other number) set a custom bundling period in hours starting from startDate.
mergePeriod - Messages that are sent by the same person with no intermediate messages by another person will be merged in the blog post, if they are within this timespan.