MoLoTool ( is an interactive web application to scan DNA sequences for transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) with position weight matrices presented in HOCOMOCO model collection. The sequence markup is text-based and can be easily copied and pasted via clipboard to any MS-Word-type text editor while maintaining colored motif occurrences.
HOmo sapiens COmprehensive MOdel COllection (HOCOMOCO) contains Transcription Factor (TF) binding models for human and mouse TFs represented as classic Position Weight Matrices (PWMs, also known as Position-Specific Scoring Matrices, PSSMs) and precalculated score thresholds (see the website for details).
The following browsers are supported - Google Chrome v.49+, Firefox v.45+, Opera v.35+.
Any technical questions should be addressed to Evgeniy Ruminsky ([email protected]), Ivan Kulakovskiy and Ilya Vorontsov or directly to the Issues page on Github.