During my diploma dissertaion research i had to do receive a pair of rectified stereo images in order to post process them. Rectifying images includes some pre process steps in order to retrieve information about the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.
-First step: For the Calibration Procedure make use of:
- cv2.stereoCalibrate
- cv2.stereoRectify
-Once you retrieve the camera parameters ( distortion matrix, camera matrix, rectification matrix), the next step is the rectification process:
- cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap
- cv2.remap
direcroty tree: dataset:
---> right_rectified 0.jpg 1.jpg
---> left_rectified 0.jpg 1.jpg
---> right_rectified 0.jpg 1.jpg
---> left_rectified 0.jpg 1.jpg