HTML5 navigation game, which will collect user dialogues, to help improve route navigation services.
"Run Neo, Run" Game is based on popular film series "The Matrix". The game is played by 2 players. One of them takes role of the runner, who escapes from agents. He also has a limited view of the map. The second player as a navigator sees the whole map and shows the runner a way how to escape.
Game play is trivial. The team of two players win, if runner exits the matrix using telephone booth, otherwise he will be caught by agents and loses. Communication between navigator and runner is essential to win the game, because runner doesn't know the exit way in a maze which is hard to navigate.
For more details about the project, see txt/
Code is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
If you want to play this game on your local computer, you should run python script "". (make sure, you have Flask installed)