Replace 'path_to_ROS_WORKSPACE'
with the path to your ROS WORKSPACE (here: /opt/ros/evins):
export ROS_WORKSPACE=/opt/ros/evins
mkdir -p src/evins_nodes
export EVINS_DIR=$ROS_WORKSPACE/src/evins_nodes
echo "export EVINS_DIR=$ROS_WORKSPACE/src/evins_nodes" >> ~/.bashrc
git clone --recursive [email protected]:evologics/evins_ros_docker
cd $EVINS_DIR/evins_ros_docker
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
cd $EVINS_DIR/evins_ros_docker/docker
docker build -t ros:evins .
On a different terminal:
cd `evologics_emulator`
sudo ./run-dmace-***.sh
password: *******
Just to see if everything is ok
cd $EVINS_DIR/evins_ros_docker/docker
./run-generic-container test /bin/bash
- Dynamics simulation:
For each vehicle you must run (
must be the same for both): - EviNS architecture:
./run-sim-container 'ID' 'MISSION' 'ROLE'
where 'ID' is the simulated modem address, 'MISSION' is one of the mission directories defined in $EVINS_DIR/evins_ros_docker/missions and 'ROLE' is the top level launch file in the 'MISSIONS'/launch directory.
For example,
./run-sim-container 1 polling ship
Replace 'container_name'
with the name of the container that you want to enter:
docker exec -i -t 'container_name' bash
It is assumed, there is vpn connection to the emulator or ethernet connection to dmace-box and the IPs of emulated modems are registered in the file docker/hosts as hostnames lvX
Run polling mission on the ship side with the modem 1:
./run-sim-container 1 polling ship
It runs evins with configuration missins/polling/etc/fsm-1.conf, dynamically generated from the file missions/polling/etc/fsm.conf.m4.mux.polling and run roslaunch with the launchfile missions/polling/launch/ship.launch.
Run polling mission on the auv side with the modem 2 on a different terminal:
./run-sim-container 2 polling auv
It runs evins with configuration missins/polling/etc/fsm-2.conf, dynamically generated from the file missions/polling/etc/fsm.conf.m4.mux.polling and run roslaunch with the launchfile missions/polling/launch/auv.launch.
Connect to the auv side container:
docker exec -i -t lv2 bash
And run the following commands:
# set protocol polling:
rostopic pub -1 /evins_nl/protocol evins_nl/NLProtocol '{protocol: "polling", command: {id: 2}}'
rostopic echo /evins_nl/raw
Connect to the ship side container:
docker exec -i -t lv1 bash
And run the following commands:
# set protocol polling:
rostopic pub -1 /evins_nl/protocol evins_nl/NLProtocol '{protocol: "polling", command: {id: 2}}'
# set polling sequence [2,3]:
rostopic pub -1 /evins_nl/polling evins_nl/NLPolling '{sequence: [2,3], command: {id: 2, subject: 14}}'
# start polling with burst data:
rostopic pub -1 /evins_nl/polling evins_nl/NLPolling '{flag: 1, command: {id: 8, subject: 14}}'
# send sensitive message "test" to modem 2:
rostopic pub -1 /evins_nl/data evins_nl/NLData '{datatype: 2, data: "test", route: {destination: 2}, command: {id: 6, subject: 12}}'
The sequence of above defined commands runs the polling interrogation and sends sensitive packet "test" to the modem 2. Its reception can be seen on the auv side with the running rostopic echo.