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Thomas Mangin edited this page Mar 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Configuring ScavengerEXA

Quick Configuration

You can quickly configure ScavengerEXA to evaluate it by following [ those instructions].

Controlling ScavengerEXA

How to get Scavenger to [ start at boot time] or how to [ run each scavenger program] from the command line (in order to test a configuration change for example).

Configuration Options

A list of the possible configuration options for each application:

  • [Capture program]
  • [Dispatch Server]
  • [Policy Server]
  • [Mail Action Server]
  • [Netfilter Action Server]

Where are the configuration files

The configuration files are located in the the etc/ folder of the scavenger repository in a folder named scavenger. Each application has its own subfolder in this location.

  [thomas@scavenger]# ls /opt/scavenger/etc/scavenger/
  action-mail/  action-netfilter/  capture-pcap/  dispatch/  policy/

Each application learns the location of this folder from the ETC environment value. You can therefore change the location of the scavenger/etc folder to suit your needs.

  [thomas@scavenger]# echo -e "import os\nprint 'etc is', os.environ.get('ETC','not defined')\n"   env ETC=/opt/scavenger/etc/ python
  etc is /opt/scavenger/etc/
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